
1. What is your gender?(你的性别是?)
2. Age(年龄)
3. Major(专业)
4. Nationality(国籍)
5. What time do you get up in the morning?(早上几点起床?)
6. What's your hobby?(你的爱好是什么?)
7. Have you ever been exposed to Chinese?(你接触过汉语吗?)
8. How long have you been learning Chinese?(您学习中文有多长时间了?)
9. Can you use Chinese for basic communication?(你可以使用汉语进行基本的交流吗?)
10. What do you want to learn from participating in the 2019 panakon student summer camp?(你参加2019年帕纳空孔院中学生夏令营想学到什么?)
11. What do you suggest for this summer camp?(你对这次暑期夏令营有什么建议?)
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