2019 ICDL 员工餐厅满意度调查问卷

2019 ICDL Hotel Staff Canteen Satisfaction Survey 

1. 您对员工餐厅的卫生情况印象如何?Are you satisfied with the hygiene?
2. 您对餐具的卫生情况印象如何?Are you satisfied with the hygieneof dishware?
3. 您对餐厅员工的服务态度印象如何?Are you satisfied with the service attitude of restaurant staff?
4. 您对菜肴的品种和数量印象如何?Are you satisfied with the variety and quatity of the food?
5. 您对菜肴的新鲜度印象如何?Are you satisfied with the freshness of the food?
6. 您对菜肴的色、香、味印象如何?Are you satisfied with color, the flavor and the taste of the food?
7. 您对员工餐厅的总体印象如何?What is your overall evaluation of the employee restaurant?
8. 如果您对员工餐厅有不满意的地方,是在以下哪几个方面?请提出您的宝贵意见或建议,谢谢!Other comments for the employee restaurant,Thanks!
1.菜品口味 Dishes flavor
2.菜肴质量 Quality Of Dishes
3.食品卫生 Food Sanitation
4.服务态度 Service Attitude
5.餐厅环境 Dining Environment
6.餐具 Dinnerware
7.其他 Other
9. 您最喜欢吃的菜肴有哪些?Which dishes are your favorites?
1.排骨类 Ribs
2.鱼类 Fish
3.鸡肉类 Chicken
4.牛肉类 Beef
5.汤类 Soup
6面食 Dim Sum
7.其他 Other
10. 您不喜欢的菜品有哪些? What's the dishes you dislike?
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