
1. Do you often go to the canteen?(你经常去食堂吃饭吗?)
2. Have you ever eaten sundries in canteen meals?(在食堂饭菜中您是否吃到过杂质)
3. How much do you spend a day in the canteen?(你一天在食堂花多少钱?)
4. What do you think of the dining environment in the restaurant?(你认为餐厅就餐环境怎么样)
5.   What do you think of the attitude of the staff in the cafeteria?  ( 您认为食堂工作人员态度如何?)
6. What do you think of the food safety and hygiene in our school canteen?(你认为我们学校食堂的食品安全卫生怎样?)
7. Do you know the dangers of disposable tableware?(你知道一次性餐具的危害吗?)
8. Evaluation of school food prices (对学校食品价格的评价)
9. What problems do you think there are in the school canteen?(您认为学校食堂还存在哪些问题?)
10. What are the reasons why you don't like going to the canteen?(你不喜欢去食堂的原因是什么?)
11. What do you think of the school as a whole in terms of canteen hygiene? What are the suggestions for the hygiene of the canteen?( 你认为学校食堂卫生方面整体如何?对食堂卫生有什么建议?)
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