They provide the service at the time they promised to do so. 这家通信公司严格按照承诺时间提供服务。
Employees give me individual attention. 这家通信公司员工能给到我特别的关注。
Their operating hours are convenient to me. 这家通信公司营业时间非常便利。
The employees understand the specific needs of me. 这家通信公司员工了解我个别的需求。
Employees give me personal service. 这家通信公司员工给到我个性化服务。
Employees have the knowledge to answer my questions. 这家通信公司员工有能力解答我的疑问。
Employees are polite with me. 这家通信公司员工对我非常礼貌。
. Employees are never too busy to respond to my requests.这家通信公司员工不会因为太忙怠慢我的请求。
Employees make information easily obtainable by me. 这家通信公司给我提供的信息好获取。
The products and services work as what I expect being a customer. 这家通信公司的的产品和服务可以满足我的期待。
When something was wrong, the employees help me to handle and recover the problem of the product. 遇到问题时,这家通信公司员工帮助我解决产品的问题。
The company maintains the availability of the products and services. 这家通信公司产品服务可以持续获取。
Their products are monitored especially its effectiveness to the consumers. 这家通信公司的产品会经过监督,尤其是客户适用性监测。
They make sure to attain the original level of quality of their products over time. 这家公司确保其产品质量并非会着时间的推移而下降。
They assure that their products and services perform its proper function. 这家通信公司 的产品和服务性能良好。
They manage my expectations preemptively. 这家通信公司可以达到我的预期。
They keep information flowing both ways. 他们保持信息双向流动。
They offer resources and referrals to me when my needs cannot be addressed by their products and services. 当我的需求无法通过产品和服务满足时,他们会向我提供资源和参考。
They provide a comfortable avenue for me to approach whenever there`s a problem.当出现问题时,它们为我提供了一个舒适的解决途径。
I feel that the company answered my inquiry promptly.我觉得公司很快就回答了我的问题。
I would love to recommend this company to my family and friends. 我会把这家电信公司推荐给朋友和家人。
I feel happy with my purchase decision. 我非常高兴选择了这家通信公司。
I am more likely to buy again. 我下次还会购买这家通信公司的产品或服务。(电话卡,流量卡)
I receive the consistency of my demands as a customer. 作为客户,针对我的要求,这家公司提供一致的服务。
I was able to use the quality of products for an accurate price.这家公司性价比良好。
I am satisfied with the response given with regards to my concerns. 遇到问题时,我对这家通信公司解决方案非常的满意。
I was given effective interaction by the employees. 这家通信公司的员工跟我互动比较有效。
I have found what I am looking for in this company. 这家通信公司可以给到我我需要的产品和服务。
I spend more time and money with this brand. 在这个(电信/移动/联通)品牌上,我花了更多时间和金钱。
I tell my friends and colleagues about this company. 我会把这家公司(电信/移动/联通)推荐给亲朋好友。
I foster a strong sense of trust with the products I am purchasing in this company. 我对在这家公司购买的产品产生了强烈的信任感。
I choose to frequently return and buy in this particular brand. 我选择经常回头并购买这个特定品牌。
I often use the product I purchase in this company.我经常使用在这家公司购买的产品。
I talk about my great experiences with this company and share it to others. 我谈论我在这家公司的美好经历并与其他人分享。
I like the products and services offered that is why I keep on coming back. 我喜欢所提供的产品和服务,这就是我不断回来的原因。
I don`t care if other store has cheaper price because I only trust in this company.我不在乎其他通信公司是否有更便宜的价格,因为我只信任这家公司。
I am loyal in this company because it is convenient for me to communicate and purchase with them
I was prioritized in addressing my feedback and issue is the reason why I remain loyal in this company. 这家公司优先处理我的反馈和问题,这就是我对这家公司保持忠诚的原因。